General management considerations for stroke: ischemic or hemorrhagic.
- Intubate based on clinical status with consideration of various scales (GCS, HH, ICH, etc)
- q1h neuro checks
- keep head of bed 30°
- Goal euglycemia (140-180)
- Goal normothermia
- Goal Na 135-145 and higher if cerebral edema is a concern.
Intracranial Hemorrhage
- Epidural Hematoma – between bone-dura
- Subdural hematoma – between dura-arachnoid
- Subarachnoid Hemorrhage – between arachnoid- pia, cx: aneurysm, AVMs, amyloid, vascuilitis, infectious emboli
- “thunderclap headache” or “worst headache in my life”
- Note “perimesencephalic SAH” is localized around the brainstem, usually venous in origin, considered benign
- Intracerebral (Intraparencyhmal hemorrhage) – in parenchyma
- Px with vomiting, severe headache, decreased consciousness, and often HYPERTENSIVE